This tutorial will give you a quick overview of the main features of
. If you are not familiar with OpenML, we recommend to read its documentation first, as we will
not explain the OpenML concepts in detail here. Further coverage of some
selected mlr3oml
features can be found in the Large-Scale
Benchmarking chapter of the mlr3book
. Note that
currently only supports downloading objects from
OpenML. Uploading can for example be achieved through the website.
First, we will briefly cover the different OpenML objects that can be
downloaded using mlr3oml
. Then we will show how to find
objects with certain properties on OpenML. Finally, we will quickly
discuss some further aspects of mlr3oml
, which includes
caching, file formats, laziness, the logger, and the API key.
OpenML Objects
supports five different types of OpenML objects
that are listed below. All objects can be converted to their
corresponding mlr3
represents an OpenML dataset. These are (usually tabular) sets with additional meta-data, which includes e.g. a description of the dataset or a license. The most similarmlr3
class is themlr3::DataBackend
. -
represents an OpenML task. This is a concrete problem speficiation on top of an OpenML dataset. While being similar tomlr3::Task
objects, a major difference is that the OpenML task also contains the resampling splits and can therefore also be converted to anmlr3::Resampling
. -
represents an OpenML flow. This is a reusable and executable representation of a machine learning pipeline or workflow. The closestmlr3
class is theLearner
. -
represents an OpenML run. An OpenML run refers to the execution of a specific machine learning flow on a particular task, recording all relevant information such as hyperparameters, performance metrics, and intermediate results. This is similar to anmlr3::ResampleResult
object. -
represents an OpenML collection, which can either be a run collection or a task collection. These are container objects that allow to bundle tasks (resulting in benchmarking suites) or runs (which can be used to represent benchmark experiments). There is nomlr3
pendant for the former (other than a list of tasks), while the latter would correspond to anmlr3::BenchmarkResult
Each object on OpenML has a unique identifier, by which it can be retrieved. We will now briefly show how to access and work with these objects.
Below, we retrieve the dataset with ID 31, which is the credit-g data
and can be viewed online here.
Like in other mlr3
packages, sugar functions exist for the
construction of R6
classes. We always show both ways to
construct the objects.
oml_data = OMLData$new(id = 31)
# is the same as
oml_data = odt(id = 31)
## <OMLData:31:credit-g> (1000x21)
## * Default target: class
The full meta data can be accessed using the $desc
field. Some fields, such as the number of rows and columns can be
accessed directly.
# the usage licence
## [1] "Public"
# the data dimension
c(n_rows = oml_data$nrow, n_cols = oml_data$ncol)
## n_rows n_cols
## 1000 21
Information about the features can be accessed through the
field. This includes information regarding the
data types, missing values, whether they should be ignored for learning
or whether they are the row identifier.
## Key: <index>
## index name data_type
## <int> <char> <fctr>
## 1: 0 checking_status nominal
## 2: 1 duration numeric
## 3: 2 credit_history nominal
## 4: 3 purpose nominal
## 5: 4 credit_amount numeric
## 6: 5 savings_status nominal
## nominal_value
## <list>
## 1: 0<=X<200,<0,>=200,no checking
## 2:
## 3: all paid,critical/other existing credit,delayed previously,existing paid,no credits/all paid
## 4: business,domestic appliance,education,furniture/equipment,new car,other,...
## 5:
## 6: 100<=X<500,500<=X<1000,<100,>=1000,no known savings
## is_target is_ignore is_row_identifier number_of_missing_values
## <lgcl> <lgcl> <lgcl> <int>
The data itself can be accessed using the $data
We only show a subset of the data here for readability.
oml_data$data[1:5, 1:3]
## checking_status duration credit_history
## <fctr> <int> <fctr>
## 1: <0 6 critical/other existing credit
## 2: 0<=X<200 48 existing paid
## 3: no checking 12 critical/other existing credit
## 4: <0 42 existing paid
## 5: <0 24 delayed previously
We can convert this object to an mlr3::DataBackend
the as_data_backend()
backend = as_data_backend(oml_data)
## <DataBackendDataTable> (1000x22)
## checking_status duration credit_history purpose
## <fctr> <int> <fctr> <fctr>
## <0 6 critical/other existing credit radio/tv
## 0<=X<200 48 existing paid radio/tv
## no checking 12 critical/other existing credit education
## <0 42 existing paid furniture/equipment
## <0 24 delayed previously new car
## no checking 36 existing paid education
## credit_amount savings_status employment installment_commitment
## <int> <fctr> <fctr> <int>
## 1169 no known savings >=7 4
## 5951 <100 1<=X<4 2
## 2096 <100 4<=X<7 2
## 7882 <100 4<=X<7 2
## 4870 <100 1<=X<4 3
## 9055 no known savings 1<=X<4 2
## personal_status other_parties residence_since property_magnitude age
## <fctr> <fctr> <int> <fctr> <int>
## male single none 4 real estate 67
## female div/dep/mar none 2 real estate 22
## male single none 3 real estate 49
## male single guarantor 4 life insurance 45
## male single none 4 no known property 53
## male single none 4 no known property 35
## other_payment_plans housing existing_credits job
## <fctr> <fctr> <int> <fctr>
## none own 2 skilled
## none own 1 skilled
## none own 1 unskilled resident
## none for free 1 skilled
## none for free 2 skilled
## none for free 1 unskilled resident
## num_dependents own_telephone foreign_worker class ..row_id
## <int> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr> <int>
## 1 yes yes good 1
## 1 none yes bad 2
## 2 none yes good 3
## 2 none yes good 4
## 2 none yes bad 5
## 2 yes yes good 6
## [...] (994 rows omitted)
Because this specific dataset has a default target in its meta data,
we can also directly convert it to an mlr3::Task
# the default target
## [1] "class"
# convert the OpenML data to an mlr3 task
task = as_task(oml_data)
With either the backend
or the task
, we are
now in mlr3
land again, and can work with the objects as
Below, we access the OpenML task with ID 261, which is a classification task built on top of the credit-g data used above. Its associated resampling is a 2/3 holdout split.
## <OMLTask:261>
## * Type: Supervised Classification
## * Data: credit-g (id: 31; dim: 1000x21)
## * Target: class
## * Estimation: holdout (id: 6; test size: 33%)
The OpenML data that the task is built on top of can be accessed
through $data
## <OMLData:31:credit-g> (1000x21)
## * Default target: class
We can also access the target columns and the features. Note that this target can differ from the default target shown in the previous section.
## [1] "class"
## [1] "checking_status" "duration" "credit_history"
## [4] "purpose" "credit_amount" "savings_status"
## [7] "employment" "installment_commitment" "personal_status"
## [10] "other_parties" "residence_since" "property_magnitude"
## [13] "age" "other_payment_plans" "housing"
## [16] "existing_credits" "job" "num_dependents"
## [19] "own_telephone" "foreign_worker"
The associated resampling splits can be accessed using
## type rowid repeat. fold
## <fctr> <int> <int> <int>
## 1: TEST 490 0 0
## 2: TEST 539 0 0
## 3: TEST 694 0 0
## 4: TEST 646 0 0
## 5: TEST 150 0 0
## ---
## 996: TRAIN 875 0 0
## 997: TRAIN 549 0 0
## 998: TRAIN 195 0 0
## 999: TRAIN 241 0 0
## 1000: TRAIN 360 0 0
The conversion to an mlr3::Task
is possible using the
# Convert OpenML task to mlr3 task
task = as_task(oml_task)
## <TaskClassif:credit-g> (1000 x 21)
## * Target: class
## * Properties: twoclass
## * Features (20):
## - fct (13): checking_status, credit_history, employment,
## foreign_worker, housing, job, other_parties, other_payment_plans,
## own_telephone, personal_status, property_magnitude, purpose,
## savings_status
## - int (7): age, credit_amount, duration, existing_credits,
## installment_commitment, num_dependents, residence_since
The associated resampling can be obtained by calling
# Convert OpenML task to mlr3 resampling
resampling = as_resampling(oml_task)
## <ResamplingCustom>: Custom Splits
## * Iterations: 1
## * Instantiated: TRUE
## * Parameters: list()
To simplify this, there exist "oml"
tasks and
tsk("oml", task_id = 261)
## <TaskClassif:credit-g> (1000 x 21)
## * Target: class
## * Properties: twoclass
## * Features (20):
## - fct (13): checking_status, credit_history, employment,
## foreign_worker, housing, job, other_parties, other_payment_plans,
## own_telephone, personal_status, property_magnitude, purpose,
## savings_status
## - int (7): age, credit_amount, duration, existing_credits,
## installment_commitment, num_dependents, residence_since
rsmp("oml", task_id = 261)
## <ResamplingCustom>: Custom Splits
## * Iterations: 1
## * Instantiated: TRUE
## * Parameters: list()
Flows and Runs
We can access the flow with ID 1068 as shown below:
## <OMLFlow:1068>
## * Name: weka.J48
## * Dependencies: Weka_3.7.12
Flows themself only become interesting once they are applied to a task, the result of which is an OpenML run.
For example, the run with ID 169061 contains the result of applying the above flow to task 261 from above:
## <OMLRun:169061>
## * Task: credit-g (id: 261)
## * Flow: weka.J48 (id: 1068)
## * Estimation: holdout (id: 6; test size: 33%)
# the corresponding flow and and task can be accessed directly
## <OMLFlow:1068>
## * Name: weka.J48
## * Dependencies: Weka_3.7.12
## <OMLTask:261>
## * Type: Supervised Classification
## * Data: credit-g (id: 31; dim: 1000x21)
## * Target: class
## * Estimation: holdout (id: 6; test size: 33%)
The result of this experiment are the predictions, as well as the evaluation of these predictions.
## repeat. fold row_id confidence.good confidence.bad prediction correct
## <int> <int> <int> <num> <num> <fctr> <fctr>
## 1: 0 0 490 0.920000 0.080000 good good
## 2: 0 0 539 0.885714 0.114286 good good
## 3: 0 0 694 0.920000 0.080000 good good
## 4: 0 0 646 0.727273 0.272727 good good
## 5: 0 0 150 0.727273 0.272727 good good
## 6: 0 0 970 0.166667 0.833333 bad good
## name value array_data repeat fold
## <char> <num> <list> <char> <int>
## 1: area_under_roc_curve 0.657856 0.657856,0.657856 <NA> NA
## 2: average_cost 0.000000 NA <NA> NA
## 3: f_measure 0.705442 0.795745,0.494737 <NA> NA
## 4: kappa 0.290990 NA <NA> NA
## 5: kb_relative_information_score 53.759911 NA <NA> NA
## 6: mean_absolute_error 0.342722 NA <NA> NA
OpenML runs can be converted to mlr3::ResampleResult
using the as_resample_result()
rr = as_resample_result(run)
## <ResampleResult> with 2 resampling iterations
## task_id learner_id resampling_id iteration warnings errors
## credit-g oml.1068 custom 1 0 0
## credit-g oml.1068 custom 1 0 0
Below, we access the OpenML-CC18, which is a curated collection of 72 OpenML classification tasks, i.e. a task collection.
cc18 = OMLCollection$new(id = 99)
# is the same as
cc18 = ocl(id = 99)
The ids of the tasks and datasets contained in this benchmarking
suite can be accessed through the fields $task_ids
# the first 10 task ids
## [1] 3 6 11 12 14 15 16 18 22 23
# the first 10 data ids
## [1] 3 6 11 12 14 15 16 18 22 23
We can, e.g., create an mlr3::Task
from the first of
these tasks as follows:
task1 = tsk("oml", task_id = cc18$task_ids[1])
## <TaskClassif:kr-vs-kp> (3196 x 37)
## * Target: class
## * Properties: twoclass
## * Features (36):
## - fct (36): bkblk, bknwy, bkon8, bkona, bkspr, bkxbq, bkxcr, bkxwp,
## blxwp, bxqsq, cntxt, dsopp, dwipd, hdchk, katri, mulch, qxmsq,
## r2ar8, reskd, reskr, rimmx, rkxwp, rxmsq, simpl, skach, skewr,
## skrxp, spcop, stlmt, thrsk, wkcti, wkna8, wknck, wkovl, wkpos,
## wtoeg
While we showed how to work with objects with known IDs, another
important question is how to find the relevant IDs. This can either be
achieved through the OpenML website or
through the REST API. To access the latter, mlr3oml
provides the following listing
- Find datasets -
- Find tasks -
- Find flows -
- Find runs
As an example, we will only show the usage of the first function, but all others work analogously.
We can, for example, subset the datasets contained in the CC-18 even further. Below, we only select datasets that have between 0 and 10 features.
cc18_filtered = list_oml_tasks(
data_id = cc18$data_ids,
number_features = c(0, 10)
cc18_filtered[1:5, c("task_id", "name")]
## task_id name
## <int> <char>
## 1: 11 balance-scale
## 2: 15 breast-w
## 3: 18 mfeat-morphological
## 4: 23 cmc
## 5: 37 diabetes
Note that not all possible property specifications can be directly
queried on OpenML. As the resulting tables are data.table
containing information about the datasets, they can be further filtered
using the usual data.table
You can currently upload datasets to OpenML or create tasks and collections using the functions:
to upload a dataset, -
to create a task, and -
to create a collection.
For this, you need an API key.
All download operations supported by this package work without an API
key, but you might get rate limited without an API key. For uploading to
OpenML, you need an API key. The API key can be specified via the option
or the environment variable
(where the former has precedence over the
latter). To obtain an API key, you must create an account on
Further Aspects
has its own logger, which can be accessed using
. For more information about
logging in general (such as chaning the logging threshold), we refer to
the corresponding section
in the mlr3book
All objects accessed through mlr3oml
must be downloaded
from the OpenML server. This is done lazily, which means that data is
only downloaded when it is actually accessed. To show this, we change
the logging level, which was previously set to "warn"
keep the output clean), to "info"
logger = lgr::get_logger("mlr3oml")
oml_data = odt(31)
# to print the object, some meta data must be downloaded
## INFO [17:30:56.774] Retrieving JSON {url: ``, authenticated: `FALSE`}
## INFO [17:30:56.936] Retrieving JSON {url: ``, authenticated: `FALSE`}
## INFO [17:30:57.087] Retrieving JSON {url: ``, authenticated: `FALSE`}
## <OMLData:31:credit-g> (1000x21)
## * Default target: class
To download all information associated with an object, the
method can be called. This can be useful to
ensure that all information is available offline. In this case, only the
actual underlying data is downloaded, as everything else was already
implicityly accessed above.
## INFO [17:30:57.285] Retrieving ARFF {url: ``, authenticated: `FALSE`}
Caching of OpenML objects can be enabled by setting the
option to either TRUE
(default), or to a specific folder to be used as the
cache directory. When this is enabled, many OpenML objects are also
available offline. Note that OpenML collections are not cached, as IDs
can be added or removed.
# Set a temporary directy as the cache folder
cache_dir = tempfile()
options(mlr3oml.cache = cache_dir)
odata = odt(31)
## INFO [17:30:57.657] Retrieving JSON {url: ``, authenticated: `FALSE`}
## INFO [17:30:57.797] Retrieving JSON {url: ``, authenticated: `FALSE`}
## INFO [17:30:57.937] Retrieving JSON {url: ``, authenticated: `FALSE`}
## <OMLData:31:credit-g> (1000x21)
## * Default target: class
# When accessing the data again, nothing has to be downloaded
# because the information is loaded from the cache
odata_again = odt(31)
## <OMLData:31:credit-g> (1000x21)
## * Default target: class
# set back the logger
Data Types
The datasets on OpenML are available in two different formats, namely
and parquet. The
former is used by default, but this default can be changed by setting
the mlr3oml.parquet
option to TRUE
. It is also
possible to specify this during construction of a specific OpenML
While the parquet format is more efficient, arff was the original format and might therefore considered to be more stable. Moreover, minor differences for the two different formats for a given data ID can occur, e.g. regarding the data type.
When converting an OMLData
object to an
using the parquet file type, the
resulting backend is an mlr3db::DataBackendDuckDB
object. For the arff file format, the resulting backend is a mlr3::DataBackendDataTable
odata_pq = odt(id = 31, parquet = TRUE)
backend_pq = as_data_backend(odata_pq)
## [1] "DataBackendDuckDB" "DataBackend" "R6"
# compare with arff
odata_arff = odt(id = 31, parquet = FALSE)
backend_arff = as_data_backend(odata_arff)
## [1] "DataBackendDataTable" "DataBackend" "R6"
For more information on data backends, see the corresponding section
in the mlr3book